
Everyone is talking about the GREAT AWAKENING. You may ask what is it. I am finding that the more I get closer to God within the more things are shown to me. The volume of info coming to me through coincidences, synchronicity, people being sent to me and information being shown to me through many ways, is off the charts. When you ask for the answers, they will come. The question is are you ready and willing to be open to hear and see them. Leave the old way of thinking and brainwashing behind.

You have to believe that God lives within all of us and we have the power within to do mighty and wonderful things. Stop believing the lies and take your life back. Take control and stop letting the evil negative keep you in the place of sickness, lack and miserable. believe that way is within and believe that the answers are sent to you from everywhere. They are sent to you daily. ARE YOU WILLING TO HEAR? God sends people, articles, info in so many forms. Yes we have Angels to help direct our paths, but are we willing to see where they are guiding us to go ?

The answer has always been with us. Its time to wake up and see that we are not slaves to this world. God has given us all the power inside of our thoughts to take action to do what is needed to make our lives the best ever. When you draw the line in the sand and say I will find the way and I will not stop to I get what I want, then will you receive all you desire.

Stop, look, listen, hear and do!!!! BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!!! He is with you always. Trust in yourself that God has given you the answers. We need to trust in ourselves, that the answers are sent to us. STOP second guessing yourself. You always have your answers. Trust in God, Trust in yourself.

Make it happen. Simple yet hard you have the choice. It is within us. Have a wonderful Blessed awakened day! 🙂


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